The Miracle of the Green on the 13th Hole.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


In God's timing, miracles happen. If you are a few minutes early or late in your plans you may have missed or happened upon one of God's opportunities. However, when you are where you are to be in God's time then miracles do happen, and we can be a part of them.

This was the case on Wednesday June 21, 2006 when Les Washington, Jack Robinson, Dennis Crean, Buddy Hardwick and Collin McGrath were at the green of the 13th hole at Dunwoody Country Club and heard the shouts of young children yelling from the house on the 13th hole. Les, Jack and Collin responded to the cry for help of these young children by opening a hole in the fence and responding to the children's cry of their mother who was lying face down in the deep end of the family's swimming pool. Buddy and Les first opened the fence enough for Jack and Collin to get through then Buddy opened the fence enough for Les to get through. Dennis phoned 911.

The father did not how to swim and was attempting to use the leaf skimmer to get his wife off the bottom of the pool. Jack Robinson jumped in the pool first and attempted to bring the woman (Uche Ude) to the surface. Jack was having some difficulty and Collin McGrath dove into the pool and together they brought Uche to the surface. She was unconscious, not breathing and in cardiac arrest. While the husband (Victor Ude) did not know how to swim, he did have an understanding of CPR. Together and while waiting for 911 responders they (Jack, Collin and Victor) managed to get Uche breathing again.

During the CPR, you could hear Victor praying out loud for Jesus and Divine intervention. All those working on Uche were supporting Victor in his prayer. The paramedics arrived and took over. Uche in currently in Northside responding to posttraumatic incident and appears to be returning to normal. She may have been on the bottom of the pool for over 9 minutes. (We are not for sure of all the timing details outside of the fact that God had certain men in hearing distance with the capacity to respond) This past week's Gospel lesson (Mark 4:35-41) of the storming sea and the fearful disciples waking Jesus who calmed the sea is an example of when we face a storm or tragedy we too need to wake the Christ to calm our fears/sea of trouble.

This coming week's Gospel lesson will be from Mark 5:21-43 provides more insight into Christ healing and I believe that when Les, Jack, Collin and Victor called on Jesus the Christ that Jesus' responded and provided the strength and knowledge to help return Uche back to her children who's cries were heard.

This is a good story that should be repeated and all of us should be able to do CPR.

Dunwoody Country Club Golfers see the Glory of God


I think you would agree with me, it is not unusual to hear God's name during a round of golf, in fact it may be repeated several times, and even in a profane way. Several years ago this led me to try to lower the GD handicap at DCC, and in playing with a guest one day I played with a high GD handicapper who was differently profane and in private to try to help him realize his bad habit and his answer was, "How do you know it's not my way of praising God". God only knows.

I learned and Ok, God this is my best attempt to have everyone agree we are praising you tonight in this place.

Our Prayer of Praise.

Praise God as the Sun rises over the 1st, 10th & 18th each morning with the many great sun rises and especially on Tuesday when we play as our senior group & Friday mornings where we of 7ups have “never not met” for over 11 years. Praise God as we play number 3 for reminding us of the Trinity of God, The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.

Praise God as we played 13th and heard the cries of children crying out as their mother was drowning, and we heard the call and responded to be part of the Miracle of the 13th for the drown mother to be returned to life through Prayer and action.

Men, We are truly blessed and Praise God and ask for His continued blessings and Protection as we bless this food and our fellowship in celebration tonight with our lovely wives and friends. Amen

Event: Men Senior Dinner Dance DCC November 3, 2006

Ps: I later learned from a fellow member that he shouts out “Praise God!” when others use the GD word. I like this and will use it creating a PG handicap at DCC. God Bless, Les & 7Uppers